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Interested institutions can join MACURH by affiliating with our corporation, NACURH, Inc. Through affiliation, member institutions can all of the below benefits. Not sure if affiliation is right for you, scroll down to read from other institutions testimonials. Those interested in affiliating or with additional questions can contact the Regional Director for more information at or visit  


MACURH hosts three annual conferences each year where students can connect and learn from one another about events and campus initiatives. The Regional Leadership Conference is hosted between October-November, the Regional Business Conference is hosted between February-March, and the NACURH conference is usually hosted between May-June.

Databases & Resources

MACURH offers numerous resources from outlines to successful campus events, guides to establish RHA & NRHH chapters on a campus, and more. Resources are accessible online through the website, newsletters, and chat groups to designated campus representatives of member institutions. 

Corporate Partner Benefits

Any corporate partnerships established by NACURH, Inc. offers discounts and services to member institutions. More information about current corporate sponsors can be found at 

Pins & Membership Supplies

Member institutions gain access to order various awards, pins, and membership supplies through the NACURH store managed by our NACURH Corporate Office (NCO). These items can be supplied at a discounted rate for campuses. Affiliation automatically includes 8 bronze pins for each institution, one of several awards offered by NACURH affiliated institutions.

Networking Opportunities

Student leaders and advisors get opportunities to network with other campus counterparts through virtual meetings, in-person events, committees, and through chat groups. These opportunities can help with benchmarking and learning from other campuses.

Voting  & Development

All member institutions gain voting rights at all MACURH and NACURH, Inc. business meetings. Representatives will have access to review and vote on various awards, legislation, and resolutions that can help with student leader development and growth.

Awards, Scholarships, & Grants

Members have access to an Of the Month (OTM) database to submit monthly campus recognition and compete for regional and national awards. Campuses can also submit bids for annual recognition as well as nominate students for scholarships or apply for campus grants for attending conferences or to assist with on campus events.

Inclusive Engagement Opportunities

MACURH prides itself on creating equitable and inclusive environments for students to engage and build connections. Many representatives who engage with MACURH come away from the experience having developed strong bonds with peers across campuses and come to consider themselves apart of the MACURH family.

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