Regional Awards
3-Year Service Pin
The Three Year Service Award is an award designed to recognize those students who have given their time and energy to improving their residential living environment throughout their collegiate career. A student must have been involved in their campus Residence Life program(s) for at least two and a half academic years.
4-Year Service Pin
The Four Year Service Award is an award designed to recognize those students who have given their time and energy to improving their residential living environment throughout their collegiate career. A student must have been involved in their campus Residence Life program(s) for at least three and a half academic years.
Regional Spirit Award
Spirit Points are awarded to affiliated schools for participation in regional initiatives and engagement opportunities. These points can be awarded for, but not limited to: committee involvement, chat attendance, and OTM submissions. The top institution at the end of the NACURH Annual Conference is recognized with the Regional Spirit Award.
NACURH Advancement Society Inductees
The purpose of the Advancement Society is to establish and recognize those who make individual contributions to NACURH, Inc. Inductees shall be individuals who have made productive and significant contributions to the region of MACURH and NACURH as a whole extending beyond campus-level leadership.
Regional Of the Year Awards
MACURH's Policy Book outlines several Of the Year awards given out at various conferences to recognize outstanding individuals and campus efforts across the region. These awards must be bid on by the institution and selected by institutional representatives at the designated conference. MACURH award recipients are then submitted onto NACURH to compete against other regional award recipients.